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The Crescendo Offers the Best Inspection Performance for the Inspection of Number 10 Cans and Other Large Containers

Peco InspX is pleased to announce an enhanced version of its Crescendo large container side-view X-ray inspection system: the SHIELD Crescendo. This machine has 2 X-ray sources that offer a combined 1200 watts of imaging power, which allows precise inspection of large containers moving at speeds up to 255 feet (85 meters) per minute. Furthermore, the top beam of the SHIELD Crescendo is electrically adjustable, which allows the machine to offer the most precise fill-level and headspace measurement capability on the market (with accuracy down to +/- 1.0 mm). To image large containers, competitive systems rely on a single X-ray beam with a very long focal point – which means dramatically less imaging power and much lower detection capability.

The primary focus areas of the updated design were to improve the imaging process and to further enhance the reliability of the machine. The new SHIELD Crescendo features a new detector design that further reduces imaging noise, which improves detection capability by 20% and further advances class-leading low false reject rates – which can be as low as 1:1,000,000 and typical false reject rates for can applications are near 1:20,000.

Machine reliability is further improved by redundant electronics and a new cooling system. As with all Peco InspX X-ray machines, all critical hardware is continuously monitored by the system computer and problems are immediately reported to the Peco InspX service team for resolution (this capability requires the machine to be connected to an active internet connection). Because most critical components have built-in redundancy, failure simply means that the machine seamlessly switches over to the backup system until the primary sub-system can be repaired.

As with all Peco InspX side view X-ray systems, operations are simplified by the mounting of the machine over the customer’s existing conveyor – which means no problematic container transfers or costly conveyor work to install the machine. Furthermore, the Crescendo requires no container spacing for proper inspection – containers can be touching back to back!

To learn more about Peco InspX side view inspection systems, please visit

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