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Peco InspX Showcases Cutting-Edge X-ray Inspection Systems at ProPak Asia in Bangkok

Peco InspX is looking forward to participating in this year’s ProPak Asia exhibition, a destination trade event for the processing and packaging industries. Our team will be stationed at Booth E48, ready to demonstrate the latest advancements in X-ray inspection technology and craft a solution specialized for your production requirements.

At ProPak Asia, we will showcase our state-of-the-art X-ray inspection systems, designed to revolutionize quality control and safety measures across various sectors. A few key industries we will highlight include:

Tuna Canning: Our X-ray systems are specially tailored to meet the rigorous demands – including production speed and uptime – of tuna canning facilities. With precise detection capabilities, we ensure that every can is thoroughly inspected for contaminants, ensuring product integrity and consumer safety.

Fruit and Vegetable Processing: In the fruit and vegetable processing industry, maintaining quality standards is paramount. Our X-ray inspection solutions excel in identifying foreign objects, such as stones or metal fragments, that may inadvertently enter the production line. By minimizing the risk of contamination, we help preserve the freshness and purity of your products.

Beverage Bottling: From carbonated drinks to juices and beyond, beverage bottling operations rely on impeccable quality control. Our X-ray systems excel in detecting defects like broken or missing caps, container integrity and foreign material detection – ensuring that every bottle that leaves your facility meets the highest standards of quality and compliance.

At Peco InspX, we understand the critical role that advanced inspection technologies play in safeguarding brand reputation and consumer trust. Our team of experts will be on hand to provide live demonstrations, answer queries, and discuss how our solutions can be customized to meet your specific needs.

ProPak Asia presents an excellent opportunity for industry professionals to stay at the forefront of technological innovation. Join us at Booth E48 to experience firsthand the power and precision of Peco InspX’s X-ray inspection systems. Together, we can elevate food and beverage safety standards to new heights.

Don’t miss out on this exciting showcase of innovation and excellence. See you at ProPak Asia in Bangkok!

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